
2025-02-19 510 1


Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.

1.I wasn't complaining, I ________ said that I was tired.(mere, merely)



2.I discussed with my ________ friends whether I would immediately have a baby.(intimate, intimacy)



3.Technicians were examining the missile to _____ why it didn't fire.(determine, determination)



4.We thought that Egypt was an incredibly ______ country.(romance, romantic)



5.There is a ________ that management only wants to cut costs.(perceive, perception)



6.This type of work is not easy because it requires ________ concentration.(intense, intensity)




  1. decision
  2. arrangement
  3. succeed, successful
  4. happily, happiness, unhappy
  5. various, vary
  6. romantic
  7. natural
  8. stranger
  9. communication
  10. imagination
  11. merely
  12. thought
  13. feeling
  14. addictive
  15. thankful
  16. meeting, met, met
  17. helpful, helpless, helper
  18. really, reality, realize, unreal
  19. creative, creativity, creation, creator
  20. introduction
  21. meaning, meaningful, meaningless, meant, meant, means
  22. development, developed, developing
  23. intimacy
  24. difference, differentiate
  25. effective
  26. personal, personality
  27. beautiful
  28. truly, truth
  29. attraction, attractive
  30. familiarity, unfamiliar
  31. appearance, disappear
  32. emotional
  33. interesting, interested
  34. determination, determined
  35. confession
  36. friendly, friendless, friendship
  37. suggestion
  38. hopeful, hopeless, hopelessness
  39. characteristic
  40. inclination
  41. expectation



